
Wednesday 26 March 2014


I hate seeing text-based links in blog posts, social media and forum threads. I don't want to copy and paste the text into a new tab, I just want it to open the link. Not every site enables auto-linking, so sometimes you have to do it the old-fashioned way. Here's how to create a hyperlink:
Hyperlink Note: Just like everything that goes up must come down, every bracket you open must be closed.
If you've used Microsoft Word, you're probably familiar with the different styles, each varying in importance. Headings in HTML work the same way and can also be important for search engine optimization. An H1 is the most important, H2 slightly less, and so on.
Add caption

  Paragraphs and Spacing

Paragraphs have about a 1.5 line spacing before and after each block of text. If you don't want the extra spacing, use a break rule.



We all love filling our blog posts and webpages with images, but they don't always fit perfectly in the allocated space. Some basic tags will help you resize images on the fly, although editing images prior to uploading them on your website is preferred so you don't stretch the proportions.
To start, don't upload large image files with a high resolution. Typically 50-150 KB or 150-600 pixels wide will do just fine for most websites. Two optimization tips here -- since search engines can't read images, you need to tell them what the image is -- use keyword-rich file names (inbound-marketing-tips.jpg vs. img01234.jpg) and alternative text (alt text) in case the image doesn't load properly.

Image Image Link


Finally, there are two basic kinds of lists, ordered and unordered. In other words, numbers or bullets.

Now go forth and conquer HTML!

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